Preparation for upcoming REAL SAT Test

As mentioned from the previous post, the start of our school year was doing two weeks of PSAT bootcamp. In the bootcamp we learned some new strategies to solve math problems quicker than we thought we would do. After the bootcamp we continue to work on areas or topics that we were less confident about. Some of the topics that we went over in the class were: unit circle, circle function, circle theorem, circle equation, trigonometry (SOHCAHTAO), imaginary numbers, complex number and last but not least functions of equation. 

Those topics areas were found to be the hardest areas for the students. We went over all of those topics together with our facilitator. After reviewing the topics once again, everyone including myself were seems to be more confident and better understanding about it. One of the topic that I really like about during class was learning about the unit circle with trigonometry. 

I learned that –>  cos(x) = sin (π/2 – θ).

By using the unit circle to find the sine and cosine for right triangle will help us efficiently finish the question faster and easier. 

cos (2π/ 3) = -1/2

sin (3π/ 2) = 1       
sin( -120°) =-3/2  tan(3π/ 4) = -1 

We also used Khanacademy as the tool to help us practice our SAT and those areas that we confused about. Everyday, our facilitator would spend about the first 30 minutes to explain or go over problems and the left over of 25 minutes we would spend our time working independently on topics that was going over earlier in the class. Using Khanacademy and being able to ask my facilitator when I have questions is very helpful. As we are preparing for applying to college we need to take the SAT test to prove the school about our English and Math. Therefore, I need to keep practicing and pushing myself to at least score higher by 100 points by the time I’m taking it which will be on the October 6th. 




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