Khmer Social Class Work 7-8 (Sovannou)


ប្រធានបទ: សុភមង្គលគ្រួសារ

សុភមង្គលមានន័យថាមង្គលល្អ សេចក្តីសុខ សេចក្តីចំរើន។

សុភមង្គលក្នុងគ្រួសារមានន័យថា គ្រួសារមានសេចក្តីសុខនិងសេចក្តីចម្រើន ហើយគ្រួសាររស់នៅមានភាពសុខដុមរមនាគ្មានអំពើហិង្សានិងគ្មានការរើសអើងចំពោះកូនប្រុសនិងកូនស្រី។ ជាទូទៅសេចក្តីសុខមានពីរប្រភេទ គឺសេចក្តីសុខផ្លូវកាយនិងសេចក្តីសុខផ្លូវចិត្ត។សេចក្តីសុខផ្លូវកាយគឺសុខនូវរាងកាយ ការគ្មានអំពើហិង្សានិងការគ្មានការរំលោភបំពាន។ ចំណែកឯសេចក្តីសុខផ្លូវចិត្តគឺចិត្តស្ងប់ មានអារម្មណ៍ល្អ គ្មានការប្រមាតមើលងាយពីអ្នកដ៏ទៃ។​​

១. ចូររៀបរាប់អំពីសុភមង្គលក្នុងគ្រួសារ។
សុភមង្គលក្នុងគ្រួសារគឺការរស់នៅក្នុងគ្រួសារជាមូយកររួបរួមគ្នានិងាការសាមគ្គីគ្នានៅក្នុងសមាជិកគ្រួសារ។ គ្រួសារនីមួយៗសិតតែចង់បានសុភមង្គលសំរាប់គ្រួសាររបស់ខ្លួនហើយក៏ចង់បានសេចក្តីសុខក្នុងគ្រូសារខ្លួនផងដែរ។

២. តើអ្វីទៅជាសុភមង្គល?
សុភមង្គលមានន័យថាមង្គលល្អ សេចក្តីសុខ សេចក្តីចំរើន។

៣. តើយើងគួរធ្វើដូចម្តេចដើម្បីអោយមានសុភមង្គលក្នុងគ្រួសារ?
១. រស់នៅក្នុងការចុះសម្រុងក្នុងគ្រួសារ
២. ស្រលាញ់គ្នានិងត្រូវអោយតំលៃដល់គ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក
៣. ផ្តល់អ្វីដែលកូនត្រូវការឬប្តីឬក៏ប្រពន្ធត្រូវការ

Weekly Journal about Sunrise Performance.

On October 24th I went to the Sun Rise performance at Chaktomuk theater. When I went into the Chaktomuk theater I feel like the ground is smooth and smell like the aromatic perfume of the people use. Then when I went inside the theater to see the performance I saw the people walked around and talked with each other. In there I smell like the BBQ that the people make and I felt hungry. Then I walked on the ground I felt that the ground is soft and cold. Then I sat down on the chair I felt comfortable and easy . Five minutes pass the Sun rise student start to perform it’s so cool and the sound like quiet and everyone at there was focus to the performance. In the performance they talked about 3 empire 1. The Angkor Empire 2. Khmer rouge 3. Phnom Penh now.
When they perform they put a lot of feeling in the perform and show us that how Cambodia is important. When they show us about the Angkor Empire it was so amazing because they show us when the time that Cambodia was developing in that time but when they show us about Khmer rouge they show us how it’s difficult and what it look like. Then 1 hour later they finished the performance so we all cleaning up our space then we go back to Liger.

Chapters 5/6: True Gentlemouse/I’m Leaving

Name: SovannouI'm too fond of my fur!!
Date: 6.12.2014

  1. What does Geronimo tell his sister and cousin is important to him? How does his presentation to them make him feel?

Geronimo tells his sister and his cousin that Professor Von Volt is really important to him. His presentation makes Geronimo feel sad and makes him feel like he doesn’t want to go because he doesn’t like to travel. Great!

2.What sort of things does Geronimo pack to go to the Himalayas? Why?

He took a wool scarf around his neck, suitcase, few sweaters, warm pants and heavy winter jacket.

Geronimo took a lot stuff to there because he knew that at the Himalayas are cool and it’s on the top of the Everest mountain.

3.Why does little Benjamin start to cry?

The reason that Benjamin started to cry is because he said to Geronimo, “Please don’t go, Uncle,” and Benjamin said, “Or take me go with you. I can help you,“ Benjamin said.  Yes, that is what he said, but WHY. What is he feeling and why?

Benjamin’s feeling is he feels worried about Geronimo and he doesn’t want Geronimo to go away.

4. Do you think Geronimo wants Thea and Trap to come or does he want to go alone? Why?

I think Geronimo wants Thea and Trap to come because Geronimo said that he always  went on adventures together. If Thea and Trap do not go with him it wouldn’t be the same without them. Great!

5. What are some of the things that Geronimo is scared about having to do on his own in the mountains?

He thinks that his tail could freeze right off and he is headed for a dangerous territory.


Smell Poem

By: Srey pich, Sovannou, Rathanak 

The aromatic perfume of fried pork.

And the fresh odour of food on a fork.

Or the stinky smell when I pull out a cork.

The aromatic smell of strawberry.

And the citrusy perfume of candy.

Or the spoiled smell of an old cookie.

The stagnant smell of  rubbish in the city.

And the spicy perfume of chilly.

Or the  earthy smell of a dirty monkey.


Possessives Practice

Complete each sentence by filling in the blanks with the possessive form of the nouns in parentheses.

  1. The birds’  color (birds)
  2. The lights’  hues (lights)
  3. The  museum’s  painting (museum)
  4. The mattress’  length  (mattress)
  5. The delivery’s effectiveness (delivery)
  6. New York’s  Metropolitan museum (New York)
  7. The restaurant’s hot dogs (restaurant)
  8. The television’s  weight (television)
  9. My dog’s  bed (dog)
  10. My mom’s car (Mom)
  11. The officer’s uniform (Officer)
  12. The baby’s bottle (baby)
  13. The boy’s  toy (boy)
  14. The car’s tire (car)
  15. The food’s smell (food)
  16. The telephone’s cord (telephone)
  17. The teacher’s books (teacher)
  18. The flower’s smell (flower)
  19. The light’s brightness (light)

Women of the Future (Poem)

Women of the Future

I am a child

I am all the things of my past

I am the walk  of my mother fit

I am the  big heart of my father

I am all I see

The beach with the hot sunshine

Green mountains very tall with the green tree

The birds flying in the sky

The rice field with the long rice plants

  A little girl running in front of my house

The ice cream man coming  to sell in my village

I am all I hear

The Boom boom of the zig zagging  lightning

The touk touk of  my mom knocking on the door

The Snap, snap of people walking around

I am all I feel and taste

The chocolatey cake at the party

A green lemon, so bitter

Fresh pepsi with fizzing bubbles

The fur of the dog, very soft

And all I remember

The Traffic accident with my aunt

Losing  my lovely  ring when I was  not a good girl

Visiting Angkor Wat temple with my family

I am all I have been taught

How to sell things in the market

Study  to read the alphabet

Counting numbers with my fingers

I am all I think

     Working in big company with other people

Travelling all over the world

I am all those things

I’m  like a  butterfly

And these things are my chrysalis

But one day I will fly out and be free


I’m the woman of the future.


World Geography

Name of course: World Geography

Learning Facilitator:  Darath

Number of students: 12

Advanced Enrichment Date: Session 1: Aug. 11-Oct 17

In the World Geography Advanced Enrichment we studied about seven continents in the world and how the world geography looks. There are two parts of geography: Human Geography and Physical Geography. In Human Geography we focus on human society, like Transportation, Political independence, Religion, Culture, etc. Physical geography refers to geography in the Earth. More specific than that we learned about the land, climate, forest and so on. In the classroom we did many interesting activities like researching about all continents in the world, played geography games and we presented to the friends about the lesson. At the point that we got to Australia we thought that Australia was very complicated. Also we found out that Australia is a country and a continent. We are all very devastated because we didn’t want the class to end.

Biology 2

Name of courses: Biology

Learning Facilitators: Jojo

Number of students: 10

Name of courses: Biology

Learning Facilitators: Jojo

Number of students: 10

Advanced Enrichment Date: Session 2: October 20 –  16 January

Biology is a class that studies about life and organisms. In this class we learned part of Ecology, how are biotic and abiotic factors interconnected, and some parts of Botany, how plants do the photosynthesis. We also studied about cells that are connected to elements and organelles. Every student researched about their own organelles. After researching, we explained to our classmates about the organelles and then we did some experiments with the microscope. By using the microscope to experiment we saw some parts of the cells. We all understood a lot about the cells and we were ready to start a new project. Then we started a project about the cells. We had two groups of students and five students in each group. One of the groups worked on the Animal Cells project and the other worked on the Plant Cells project. The two projects took a long time to finish because they were difficult projects and we had to paint on the big papers and use Scratch with Makey Makey. However these projects were already finished and all of the students felt so proud of themselves and it was a good time for them to collaborate as a team.

Biology is a class that studies about life and organisms. In this class we learned part of Ecology, how are biotic and abiotic factors interconnected, and some parts of Botany, how plants do the photosynthesis. We also studied about cells that are connected to elements and organelles. Every student researched about their own organelles. After researching, we explained to our classmates about the organelles and then we did some experiments with the microscope. By using the microscope to experiment we saw some parts of the cells. We all understood a lot about the cells and we were ready to start a new project. Then we started a project about the cells. We had two groups of students and five students in each group. One of the groups worked on the Animal Cells project and the other worked on the Plant Cells project. The two projects took a long time to finish because they were difficult projects and we had to paint on the big papers and use Scratch with Makey Makey. However these projects were already finished and all of the students felt so proud of themselves and it was a good time for them to collaborate as a team.


Engineering 2 Description

Name: Engineering

Learning Facilitator: Max

Number of Students: 11

Date: 20 October- 16 January

Days we meet: Monday-Tuesday

Course Description: On the first day of Tech and Engineering, we learned about engineering. Its definition is solving problems by using math, science, technology and creativity. On the next day, we started to learn about the process of engineering. It is called the 5D. First, we discover what is the problem. Then, we define the problem. Next, we can design the solution. After that, we develop the plan. Deploy means improve our plan. We had to engineer the chair for the bear. The chairs for the bear were made from Legos. It was the first challenge for the class. One of the criteria was to make the chair so that when the bear sat on it, it does not fall. We also engineered the robot. We learned a lot about programming.


Earth Science Description

Name of Course:  Earth Science

Learning Facilitator: Jeffrey Holte

Number of Students: 10

Days we Meet: Monday/Tuesday

Advanced Enrichment Dates: August 11-October 17, 2014

Course Description: On the first day of our Advanced Enrichment  we were all so excited to study about Earth Science. Earth Science means to study about the Earth and all of the things that are related to the environment and the Earth. In our Advanced Enrichment we studied about the rocks, water, weather and all of the planets in space. In Earth Science class we not just only studied and got the theory from the teacher, we also made  an experiment together in class. For example, the thing that we have been experimenting with is making the sugar crystal experiment, the erosion and some other activity. Our group helps each other and works together as a team, not work alone and always listen to the teacher. At the end of our Advanced Enrichment we all were a little bit sad because we all wanted to study more about all of the things on Earth and all of the things that are really special for the Earth.