Startup Weekend 2016

In this school year, I was very lucky because I got to participate in so many events. I always have a dream of becoming a leader to lead my country into a better place. I always taking all my works serious and gets it done before someone telling me to do it. I love taking the new opportunity during my learning.

This time I participate in an event called Startup Weekend. This is a global event which had so many countries in the world participate in. I love exploring and learning with new people and networking with others. This event was about using technology and turn it into a business in order to help our social community.

I was in a team that turns drone into a project which helps to solve the medical problem in our country. There was a bit disagreement in our team but we did a great job together.

Below are the pictures of me participate in the event:


Submitting Film

This is one of my activity that I worked with my Liger friends, this activity is about Filming. It was such a fun time and good experience to act in their movie and learn so many things from them.

Below is the movie: Enjoy!

SEA Makerthon 2016

It was such a powerful experience of working three days with some of my Liger friends and the other people from different places in Cambodia. This was my very first time to joined in this type of big event which is happening all around the world. Being one of Cambodian citizen I felt proud of who I am and appreciate my own nation. But even those I love and proud of my nation their are stills a needs to make a better place for Cambodia. I love my country that is I want to help my country in order to make my country rising up in the global. This event help me to realize one of the most important issue that is now happening in Cambodia.

The question was How can we help the farmers in order for them to keep their product or their crops that they harvested to be dry and save? 

I was sitting down with an open brain because I think that I will have no idea or even a small solution to this essential question. Luckily I had come up with an idea of creating one product that would benefit the farmers in the province when it on the raining season. Farmers having a difficulty problem that their crops were getting wet after they harvested because of the rain. So my team had come together and we finally get our prototype done with our business canvas done as well.

Lastly we presented our idea to the judges, and the idea didn’t get past but I am really happy to participate in this event! I wish I can join in next year!



Learning Variety Topics In Math

One of my favorite class to learn is Math. I am now in High-school, so the way I used to learned math hasn’t been the same as before. I love learning and challenging myself to a next level of understanding so that I can be success in my life. Algebra was one of the topic that I learn in math. I love algebra but I am not good at it. Eventually even those I am not good at it I still try my best to understand from my facilitator and friends. They are always be there for me to motivate me and encourage me. In class our facilitator had given us a very good source to learn and practice our self at home or when we free time. This source is called Khan Acedemy. This source was such a helpful source even those sometimes it’s get boring when we see too many words come up on the screen but I still really enjoy and love learning Math.

These are some of the pictures in our math class:

Kingdom of Wow!

This is Kingdom of Wow! What is Kingdom of Wow! Kingdom of Wow! is an event that organized by and hosted by Liger students. There are four Planning Committee which are Sovannary, Vornsar, Venghour and Myself but a special to our facilitator who always guide us and help us with everything and she is Jaime Steinberge. We spend most of our free time and some of our learning time on organizing this event. This event is a talented event which we the planning committee go out to the government school and international to find the best contestant and have talent to compete in our show. My team and I had worked so hard to come up with this big event. As the result we had got so many sponsors and without them this event cannot be happening. Moreover on the day event day everything was going so well and we were having a lot of fun. This is my big experience in my life ever because its tell me how hard it is to organize one big event. You can also have a check on this link to know who our winner is: Kingdom Of Wow Winner News.

Minsters Visit Day

On the 12th, January of 2016, the started of new year, Ministry of Education Youth and Sport is visiting Liger and ask Liger students to do the workshop for half day for them to see who we are why we here. This is my first time to see the educated people in my country come to my school. It is my best opportunity ever that I never have before, I never get the chance to present things that I learned to Minister. I felt very proud of myself and all Liger friends that are participate in this workshop day at school. I have no words to say how much I was really happy and proud of my friends and my school. This is the best day of my life in school and the best memory that I can’t forget. I was one of the member in STEAM Team we all try really hard to make the presentation look good for minister to see. We all try our best to make it happen and show who is us and be the representative for Liger. This is the day that I think Liger students and facilitators and all the stuff are making a small change to Cambodia. This result making me imagine to have hope for my country.