When I studied in Cambodian Economy exploration I felt really excited to studied new things about Cambodian Economy also to studied with Jeff my teacher. In class Jeff taught us lots of things about the economy in Cambodia and the things that is related to the economy in Cambodia. In class I studied about the corruption in Cambodia and discuss with friend about the corruption in Cambodia. Venghour my friend said that in the past he had a problem with the corruption with his teacher in government school and I ask him some questions back to know more about.Then I told him back about my experience when I was studied in the government school that my teacher has a corruption. I really like to heard about Venghour experience and also to know about Cambodia’s people. I felt not happy when I saw that Cambodia is in 157 rank out of 177 rank country in the world. For me I already know little about bit about my country that it might have the corruption but it lots of corruption in Cambodia. If in the future I can be a leader to control Cambodia I would not make Cambodia have lots of corruption like this I will change my country to be one of the brighter country in Southeast Asia and I hope in the world too. In Cambodian Economy class I got a new things from Jeff and also I really like to study about Cambodia economy and because of my teacher Jeff is a good teacher and explain us also give advice to us so it help me and all of my friends understand about Cambodian Economy. In Cambodian Economy class we went to two places in Cambodia there are 1. Men Sarun company ( Agro-Industry) 2. Koh pich. We went there to studied about the import and export and also to collect the data to put it in the our book and to help students in government school to understand about Cambodian Economy. At the end of my exploration I am not so happy to end this exploration because I want to get more information and experiences to help myself and friends to understand clearly about Cambodian Economy. In my new exploration I study about Poverty in Cambodia I felt so happy and I waiting for the time to study about it. When I heard about that I will study about Poverty in Cambodia. My goal for this exploration I want to collect all the information as I can to help the people in Cambodia and also help to teach Liger students about it.