During October 20, 2017 I was so happy to be apart of the International School of Phnom Penh Model United Nation (ISPPMUN) of 2017. At the conference I represented as the delegate of the United State of America. This event lasts for three days, which were Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My committee was General Assembly 1 which were discussing about the topics of, the question of regulating small arms and lights weapons proliferation, the questions of using private military and security company, and last is, the role of resilient healthcare in global security. On the second day I worked with many other delegates to finish up our resolution on the topic relates to resilient healthcare. We then have the debate section where all the delegates in the room involved in discussing on our resolution. Some of the delegates have made the amendments to add or strike or amend different clauses. This was my second times of participation as the delegate and I felt that every year I learn more and more about how this MUN system is run like and understand the flow of debating. The experience that gain from this event is the collaboration, hard work, competition between us and the other delegates. On the third day of the conference there was a plenary section, which were debating on the resolution that I have made with my others five delegates. I was able to go up on the big stage and talk to the multitude of people and as I talk I can see that there are more than 200 pairs of eyes were staring at me. It was terrified to me but I was so happy to be apart of this big conference and the chance to represent as the delegate of USA from Liger Leadership Academy.
This is my resolution that were discussed the plenary section: