One of my favorite class to learn is Math. I am now in High-school, so the way I used to learned math hasn’t been the same as before. I love learning and challenging myself to a next level of understanding so that I can be success in my life. Algebra was one of the topic that I learn in math. I love algebra but I am not good at it. Eventually even those I am not good at it I still try my best to understand from my facilitator and friends. They are always be there for me to motivate me and encourage me. In class our facilitator had given us a very good source to learn and practice our self at home or when we free time. This source is called Khan Acedemy. This source was such a helpful source even those sometimes it’s get boring when we see too many words come up on the screen but I still really enjoy and love learning Math.
These are some of the pictures in our math class: